Me Myself & I: Mornings & Evenings

Love begins with yourself.

If you are offered a piece of old pizza tied to a list of conditions, and you are starving — there’s nothing in the fridge — you will eat the pizza. When the fridge is stocked, however, you will not eat the old pizza. After eating it and toeing the line in the first scenario, you’re then a submissive in the relationship. On the other hand, when you have groceries — analogous for self love — you will not tolerate abuse. The lesson: go grocery shopping aka stock up on love for yourself.

Done! I click submit, and my paper is finished. 8:50 a.m. Phew. 10 minutes early. I chuck on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt and slip my laptop in my backpack. Zip zip and i’m out the door. Peachy. 10 minutes to walk to a class 15 minutes away.

My mornings in college were…ugly. Evenings were no better. When sleep happened, every minute cut ice. Cleansing my skin? Not a chance. Makeup? Um, no. The joggers and t-shirt made up my daily uniform, for i only wanted easy clothing after wakeful nights of eating candy, which made my belly knot.

After 10 papers, the nightmares finished for mornings and evenings were open for me to do what i please.


I think i slept well…yes. I sink in my bed and give in to the toastiness as my mind begins to think. Before my consciousness evanesces, i peel away the linens and walk to the bathroom. Twist. Squeeze. Smear. I brush my teeth, and my skincare habits go on.

As i bold and italicize my eyes, lips, brows and cheeks avec eyelinermascara, concealer, contour, boy brow and gloss, my thumb unlocks my phone and flips through instagram. I stick my legs — left first — in a pair of dungarees and walk to the kitchen for breakfast.


Evening is the morning spelled backwards. My skincare habits go on. Smear. Squeeze. Twist. I walk from the bathroom and envelop my body in the linens. After applying Laneige’s lip sleeping mask, i close my eyes for a good night’s sleep.

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