Me Myself & I: Training

Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday + Friday

Write storylines. Send emails. Photoshop. Though only a taste of my weekdays in LinkedIn’s office, i think it’s clear my plate is chockablock, and i love it. The work day begins around 9:30 a.m. as i make a plan in my Productivity Planner and finishes around 6:30 p.m. Even after i hop in the elevator and it descends…26…25…24…thoughts about LinkedIn float in my mind. After a 25-minute walk to my flat, i eat and savor the next three and a half hours of moments for myself before going to sleep. Short evenings, therefore, make slipping into my tights and nikes to train in the morning the obvious choice. Although, if i’m honest, here and there, i go to a Tuesday and Thursday Shadowbox class.


  1. 10 leg lifts
  2. 30 bicycle kicks
  3. 30 crunches
  4. 10 oblique crunches left and right
  5. 30 second plank
  6. 5 plank ups
  7. 30 russian twists


  1. 20 donkey kicks + 20 second pulse left and right
  2. 20 fire hydrants + 20 second pulse left and right
  3. 20 up and over kicks left and right + 20 second pulse left and right
  4. 20 spider kicks + 20 second pulse left and right


My two days away from the office give the definition of training a different spin. Three years after disapproving of my first SoulCycle class, i gave it a second chance and loved it. SoulCycle challenges me — body and mind — and i walk away from the studio appearing as though i showered — in sweat. Thank god, too, for the music and positive affirmations trainers give in class.



JAB! CROSS! HOOK! UPPERCUT! My hands sock the bag as i flex my abs and my mind thinks mantras like “strong body strong mind” and “if you change nothing, nothing will change.” After class, i hop in the shower dripping in sweat and bubble up my hair and body with Shadowbox’s shampoo, conditioner and soap. The bathrooms here and in SoulCycle are stocked with nearly everything you can think of — cleanser, deodorant, hair ties and body cream. Before i go, i like to pick up an oat milk matcha latte from the Ringside Cafe.

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